The virtual training we promised is here, including creation of invaluable Case Notebooks as well as Focus Groups for testing constituent theories of liability and valuation of damages.
its constituent course on documenting
criminal judicial bias and collusion.
Not a single AUI constituent should skip this.
Work at a manageable pace.
Transform allegations into proof.
Click our image below to view, share, download, and/or print the comprehensive program booklet for AUI's Virtual Course on Documenting Criminal Judicial Bias and Collusion:
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our course overview.
After familiarizing yourself with the nature, content description, delivery methods, scheduling options, and cost of AUI's Virtual Course on Documenting Criminal Judicial Bias and Collusion, simply click the button below to access and complete the corresponding course enrollment form.
You will be invoiced within five (5) consecutive business days for your related tuition cost. Within 20 days of your tuition payment AND that of six (6) other similarly paced enrollees (7 or 10 week course) focused on the same U.S. state that is the situs of alleged misconduct you choose to address, the corresponding course will commence.
See AUI's course enrollment form for the tuition refund policy of Louisiana United International, Inc. and the co-sponsor of AUI's Virtual Course on Documenting Criminal Judicial Bias and Collusion, National Judicial Conduct and Disability Law Project, Inc.